Providing fun and meaningful communication support!
All children deserve a voice. Abbey is a neurodiversity affirming therapist who uses a strength-based approach to guide families in developing their child’s communication.

Areas SLPs Support
How clearly a child is using their sounds and can be understood by others.
Understanding what is said to them, following directions, learning new words, putting sentences together, telling stories, etc.
Social Skills
Interacting and playing with others, understanding and using nonverbal communication, advocating for their needs, problem solving, etc.
Fluency (Stuttering)
Being able to get words out smoothly and without repeating sounds, syllables, words or phrases.
Sounding out words, understanding what is read, reading in an effortless manner, etc.
Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) refers to the use of pictures, gestures, iPads or other ‘talkers’ to communicate with others.